An interesting listener issue

  • From: Mike Haddon <m.haddon@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 17:45:35 -0500

Today I was brought into a performance issue on one of our databases. 
There were a couple of resource issues and during the analysis I noticed 
that the listener was attempting to be started when it is already running.
The database is (yeah, I know, it supports a legacy app), and 
the listener is on default port.

The problem is that I continue to see the system try to start the same 
listener. This of course fails because the port is already open but the 
attempt is made again in a minute or two.

*Hostname->SID:> ps -ef | grep lsnr
   oracle 3768386       1 120   May 27      - 13233:59 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
   oracle 4231390 3805240   1 17:23:10  pts/0  0:00 grep lsnr
Hostname->SID:> ps -ef | grep lsnr
   oracle 3768386       1 120   May 27      - 13234:00 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
   oracle 5882040       1 102 17:23:12      -  0:00 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit

*Wait a few minutes
ps -ef | grep lsnr
   oracle 3768386       1  60   May 27      - 13235:58 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
**Hostname->SID**:> r ps
ps -ef | grep lsnr
   oracle 3768386       1 120   May 27      - 13235:58 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
**Hostname->SID**:> r ps
ps -ef | grep lsnr
   oracle 3768386       1 120   May 27      - 13236:00 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
   oracle 5042184       1  17 17:30:14      -  0:00 
/u00/app/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit

*On top of this the original instance of the listener is taking up a 
complete CPU on the system.

*Name            PID  CPU%  PgSp Owner
tnslsnr     3768386  27.2 782.2 oracle
I have checked everywhere for the reason the listener is being started 
again. There are no cron jobs, at jobs, running processes, dbms jobs 
that would be trying to restart. The only thing I can think of is maybe 
the listener is bound and trying to restart itself. We do not have 
Oracle Restart installed and configured so I am at a lack.

I will be shutting down and restarting the listener later this evening 
but this is such a vexing issue I don't want to walk away from this 
issue without truly understanding what is happening. I think it is 
related to the size of the listener log (> 2GB) and will be resetting 
the log this evening.

Has anyone seen this before? The OS is AIX 5.3 (LPAR) with 
Oracle binaries.

Any ideas would be very welcome.

Thanx in advance,



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