Re: An Oracle Linux distro

  • From: "Jared Still" <jkstill@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: kevinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2006 16:28:50 -0700

Given the amount of time it took to arrive at
a standard distribution here (including setup for
our environment ) I don't think we would be too

Engineers here use RH, and we settled on RH
so as to have one distribution, though IT folk here
prefer Suse.

An Oracle distro would have to have some compelling
reason to make it interesting.

Say, "We will support only Oracle OS after 12/31/2008".



On 10/3/06, Kevin Closson <kevinc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So who on list here would find it a good thing if Larry puts out
an Oracle distro? Would that mean yet another Linux distro to
support, or would that replace the only distro you use more or less?

Jared Still
Certifiable Oracle DBA and Part Time Perl Evangelist

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