A Cure for Madness

  • From: Jonathan Gennick <jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:19:43 -0400

Some of you might have read the article I recently posted on
"Subquery Madness!":


Chris Date took an interest in the issue, and he wrote a
fascinating follow-up, "A Cure for Madness," which just went
live today:


Please note that Chris is *not* saying that the subquery
results need to be materialized, but only that the final
results need to be "as if" they had been. I can think of at
least two ways to merge the subquery and yet maintain the
required "as if" behavior.

Chris's article is really clear and well-written. I wish I
could write as well as he does. I think you'll find his
article interesting no matter which side of the issue you
personally fall on.

Best regards,

Jonathan Gennick --- Brighten the corner where you are
http://Gennick.com * 906.387.1698 * mailto:jonathan@xxxxxxxxxxx

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