Re: 8174 32 bit to 9204 64 big

  • From: "M Rafiq" <rafiq9857@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 03 Apr 2004 15:40:49 -0500

Yes, agreed. Specially when database size is big.


From: Tim Gorman <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: <oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: 8174 32 bit to 9204 64 big
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 22:11:21 -0700

If change of platforms is not part of the task, then I strongly disagree.
Export/Import is riskier and slower.

Upgrading the software and performing the 32-64 bit update according to the
plentiful documentation on Metalink is faster and safer than exporting and
importing.  It's really the only viable option for a database of any size.

on 4/2/04 10:37 AM, M Rafiq at rafiq9857@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

 > I think there should not be any disagreement on this. As suggested by 
 > , create a new database under 9i and import 8i database export there.
 > I did the same thing last month as I have to change the
 > 1)platform Sun to Linux
 > 2)from 64 bit to 32 bit machine and oracle as well.

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