Re: 11G Release 2 and Release 1

  • From: David Roberts <big.dave.roberts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Sreejith.Sreekantan@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:47:51 +0100

As I understand it, the relationship between ASM and cluster-ware
changes substantially with R2 along with it's installation.

In addition features that were planned for R1 and got pulled, like
Package versioning have now been included.

11gR1 has already reached it's terminal patchset, so I would suggest
that Oracle will be prioritising bug fixes etc. on R2.

Technically R2 has only been around for a short while, however it
looks like many of the changes in R" were actually in the codebase for
R1, but were pulled before launch.

It would be my expectation that in the same way 9iR1 was quickly
superseded by 9iR2, 11gR1 will wither on the vine!


On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Sreejith S Nair
<Sreejith.Sreekantan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi ,
> Please help me with this. We have evaluated our application with Oracle 11G
> release 1. We did not try 11 G release 2 . I am just curious to know what
> major changes / impacts are there with Oracle 11G release 2  than release 1?
> Is it advisable to go with Oracle 11G release 1 ?
> In which areas should I have to consider Oracle 11G release 2 than to go
> with release 1 ?
> Best Regards,
> Sreejith  Nair
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