Subscription info

  • From: Gailselfridge@xxxxxxx
  • To: optacon-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 19:25:06 EDT

Richard Oehm, the guy who services optacons, asked me for subscription 
information to this list when I told him that I'd told the list about his work. 
said he liked to keep on top of what optacon users were doing. So I sent him 
the subscription information. Hope that's okay. I figured it was since he gives 
such good service.

To unsubscribe at eny time, just send a message to:

optacon-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word "unsubscribe" (without the 
quotes) in the message subject.  

Tell your friends about the list.  They can subscribe by sending a message to:

optacon-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) 
in the message subject.  

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