
  • From: Gailselfridge@xxxxxxx
  • To: optacon-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 04:34:47 EDT

Don: It doesn't look like what you told me will work. I went to and found "signup" but it wanted me to start a list and I 
don't want to 
start a list. I looked at some of the help documentation and it said to go to 
my list's web page, but when I attempted that, it said that optacon-l had no 
web page. Since you're the administrator, you can probably do anything you want 
to do, but as a list user, I can't. I just wanted to figure out how to use the 
archives and so far I haven't found out. Since this list is new and I'm sure 
others want this info too, I'd appreciate your help.

To unsubscribe at eny time, just send a message to:

optacon-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word "unsubscribe" (without the 
quotes) in the message subject.  

Tell your friends about the list.  They can subscribe by sending a message to:

optacon-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) 
in the message subject.  

Other related posts:

  • » Signup?