Re: [ANN] pthreads binding

  • From: Cosmin Apreutesei <cosmin.apreutesei@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 14 May 2015 11:39:19 +0300

Very tidy interface!

Thanks! It comes naturally from the intersection of what's available
on those 3 platforms :)

[Clarification: on Windows there's two pthreads implementations:
winpthreads and pthreads-win32. pthreads-win32 has some extra features
and it's LGPL (winpthreads is BSD), and winpthreads can drive C++11
threads, in case I'll need to bind some C++11 lib in the future.
winpthreads is also included in mingw-w64 which is the only compiler
that I can support right now.]

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