[BNU] Sero wants to know.

  • From: Ann Parsons <akp@sero.email>
  • To: braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 03 May 2017 15:53:39 -0400

Afn all,

I've been talking with the programmer for Serotek, and he and the staff at Serotek know that people have enjoyed the content from Sero on their BrailleNote Touches. they would like to make it possible for people who have Sero on other devices to sync their contact lists with the Touch. I have here a techie question, so this may not be the right list, but if it isn't, can you point me to somebody at HW who can answer this question. My contact says:

OK, can you please find out if KeyMail supports either the CardDAV standard or Exchange ActiveSync? Those are the two ways we can sync Sero contacts with a third-party email app.

This is Greek to me, but may not be to an HW techie. Please reply to me privately, as this isn't the normal topic for this list. Many thanks.

Ann P.

Ann K. Parsons
Portal Tutoring
** New EMAIL:  akp@sero.email
web site:  http://www.portaltutoring.info
Skype: Putertutor

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  • » [BNU] Sero wants to know. - Ann Parsons