[BNU] A Few Upcoming Things about The BrailleNote Touch

  • From: Zachary Morris <morriszachary99@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: braillenote@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 27 May 2017 11:56:21 -0500

Hello all,
So, I watched Peter Greco's interview with Greg Stilson about the Touch, and I also saw something else on YouTube about the Touch, which raises up a question as well. First, Greg mentions renaming the Android tag from 4.4 to something higher, but I'm not sure when he's doing that. How could somebody do that, though? Another thing, I heard that HW is also adding some video library dingy into the Touch so videos wouldn't crash. Isth true? And then, here's my question. So, a YouTube channel in which I'm now subscribed to mentioned pressing and holding the home button on the Touch could enable the voice search thing. Is this true as well?
All the Best,
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
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