[bksvol-discuss] headings and chapter headings

  • From: Cindy <popularplace@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bksvol-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:13:31 -0800 (PST)

Yes, Lisa, that's what's supposed to happen, but it
frequently doesn't, especially when the page numbers
are at the top. Apparently the stripper is geared to
recognize repeated words and then delete the headings,
but since so often the headings are garbled, the words
aren't the same and don't get deleted. Also, if the
page number is first, that obviously changes with each
page so the heading that comes afteerward isn't
deleted. Most of us delete them manually as we're
reading the book.


When the stripper strips the page headers,
> is it trying to get rid of the title and author
> names that are found on the top of each page?  I ask
> this because, if that is the case, I don't think it
> always does what it is meant to.  I have downloaded
> countless books that still contain the title and
> author at the start of each page.

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  • » [bksvol-discuss] headings and chapter headings