Available textfiles

Ecartis lets you keep a bank of textfiles that can be automatically attached to posts (ie, headers and footers), sent to users under certain circumstances, etc. The information below is mostly meant for list administrators.

FAQ File

This file is just a FAQ. It's a really good idea to have one of these, to avoid getting "dumb questions" on the list, or in the admin/moderator mailboxes.

Closed File

This file is mailed to anyone who tries to post to a closed-post list when they're not subscribed to it.

Outside File

This file is sent to anyone who posts to a list but is not a subscriber.

Footer File

This is simply text that's appended to each list message. It's generally a good idea to have one of these to store things like the list's homepage, administrator, how to unsubscribe, etc.

Post Password Reject File

This only applies if your list has a posting password. If the author of the message doesn't supply the password header along with his post, he's sent this file. Include information here on what they've done wrong and how to fix it.

Subscribe ACL Text File

This only applies if your list has a subscriber ACL (Access Control List). This file is sent to anyone who attempts to subscribe, but fails the ACL subscription check.

Subscribe ACL File

This only applies if your list has a subscriber ACL (Access Control List). Put in here regular expressions against which a user's address will be compared when they try to subscribe. If an address doesn't pass the check, they won't be subscribed.

Submodes File

This file contains specific customized subscription modes. You probably won't use this.

Nopost File

This file is sent to users who try to post if the NOPOST flag has been set on their email address. The NOPOST flag (set by an admin) prevents users from posting until it is removed.

Blacklist reject file

This file is sent to a user when their subscription or post to a list is rejected because they've been blacklisted.

Moderator Welcome File

This file is sent to new moderators when the MODERATOR flag is set on their email address. It's a good idea to include things like list policies, where/how to access the web interface, etc.

Header File

This is simply text that's stuffed at the top of every post. This can get repetitive and annoying! It's probably only a good idea to use one on lists that serve as newsletters and the like.

Closed Subscribe File

This file is sent to anyone who tries to subscribe to a closed-subscription list (i.e., one that doesn't allow anyone to subscribe to it).

Goodbye File

This file is mailed to a user when they unsubscribe. It may be a good idea to leave things like "sorry to see you go," and "you're always welcome on our list," and "you were always my favorite subscriber." Really make their eyes well up here. :)

Overquote File

This text is sent to a user who fails an overquoting check. This only applies if you've enforced limits on how much text can be quoted in a post.

Welcome File / Intro File

This file is mailed to users when they subscribe. It's a really, really good idea to use this file. Send users things like list policies, how to unsubscribe, etc. Suggest that they "keep this email for future reference."

Digest Footer File

This only applies if you allow digests of this list to be sent (i.e., if you've got the 'no-digest' option set to 'no'. This is a Footer File attached to digests.

Digest Header File

See above "Digest Footer File," but this one goes at the top of digests.

Administrivia Regexp File

This file can be used to prevent users from sending things like "PLEASE GET ME OFF YOUR LIST" directly to the list. Instead, dumb messages like this one are sent to moderators for more intelligent handling. The default file is pretty good, but you may want to add more to it as necessary.


This file contains regular expressions that is used to detect if the person posting is a spammer. It's hard to catch them, but not too bad if they use expressions like 'You can NOT miss this opportunity!!!!!' and so forth.

Bouncer Unsub File

This file is sent to anyone who is unsubscribed from the list due to messages being sent to them being bounced. Ecartis automatically handles bounced messages (i.e., messages that are returned due to 'mailbox full' errors), and will automatically unsubscribe people who constantly bounce messages. We call these "Rubber people."

Bouncer Vacation File

This file is mailed to a user who's set on vacation rather than being unsubscribed when bouncing a lot of messages.

Tempban End File

This file is sent to a user who was 'tempbanned' when the tempban expires.

Tempban File

File to be sent to a user when an admin puts him on tempban.

Unsubscribe Confirm File

This is NOT a confirmation of unsubscribing! This informs subscribers of how to proceed to verify or confirm the not-yet-complete unsubscribe process. If you'd like to say "you've been unsubscribed, thanks for joining," put this text in the goodbye file.

Need some textfile samples? Here are few to get you started.