
Science in general, all disciplines

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News and information about is a bird nest camera broadcasting live footage of beautiful birds in the nest box, as well as the best action from the nesting season. This list is for those who want news of what is happening in the box.

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RNA a mexer!

Discussion List for Environment and Natural Resources students.

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Department of Physics & Astronomy Staff Mailing List

Department of Physics & Astronomy Staff Mailing List

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R Peer Group, University College Cork

For staff and students of UCC who use the statistical software, R, particularly those who attend the R workshops.

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NOVA Astronomi

NOVA is a danish amateur astronomy association with 200 members. The mailing list will be used to inform about seminars, observation nights and astronomy related news.

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Theoretical Physics

UTSA - Theoretical Physics

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Institute for Theoretical Physics

Institute for Theoretical Physics School of Physics Peking University

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Mailing list Neuroblastoma Research

Mailing list for Neuroblastoma Researchers in Europe.

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South West Indian Ocean Sea Turtles

Mail adress to exchange about sea turtles in the South West Indian Ocean

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All about Myriapodology: ecology, distribution, taxonomy, morphology, behaviour, physiology, lab keeping, images.

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A group for the discussion of HFO-Engine/EZ-Detect software

A forum for discussing the open source HFO-Engine/EZ-Detect software developed by Dr. Shennan Weiss and collaborators.

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Logic for Vegetarians and Vegetarianism for Logicians

A group of (present or future) vegetarian logicians discussing about climate change and ecology in general, and how we can influence these changes (including by going veg).

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inets - International Network for Environmental Toxoplasma Studies

A network for environmental toxoplasma studies

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Wildfire Technology List

Topics related to technology and wildfires / urban interface fires, including: detection, mapping, prevention, firefighting, notifications and public information, evacuation, structure hardening

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Dynamical Systems at ICTP

Dynamical Systems is an exciting and vibrant academic field of research in Mathematics. I am the coordinator of a research group at ICTP in Trieste ( and already have such a list for announcing events, conferences, funding opportunities etc.

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