
Science in general, all disciplines

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Arbeitskreis Subsistenz

listserv of the academic group of students and faculty at University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna that discusses and promotes the Subsistence theory as developed by Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen at al. Maillingliste des Wiener Arbeitskreis zur Bielefelder Subsistenztheorie

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Professional Learning

Bring together scholars who study work and education as context. Subjects: - Work and education as contexts for professional learning and development - Theories and methodologies for the study of professional learning and development - Constraints and affordances of professional learning and work identities - Vocational education and training in schooling and working life contexts - Adult learning processes within the context of work Type of information to be shared: - Calls for papers and proposals - Relevant journal information - Relevant job postings - etc.

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Open Reproducibility in Biology

The list will gather together both researchers and non-researchers that have been working within different life science fields but who share one common interest: open science and reproducibility. It will help coordinate the efforts to transfer and adapt those technologies initially developed to study the human genome to other fields such as microbial, plant, and livestock bioinformatics. Openness not only exists in terms of publications and data, but can be applied to the research process itself. More than ever, given the magnitude of data the ability to adopt best practice in workflows, standards, tools for storing and sharing the actual data, as well as its analysis is key to making progress in science and discovery. Researchers need to have mechanisms and tools to share methods, data, preliminary results, workflows, annotations protocols etc. in a traceable and identifiable manner. The era of cyber infrastructure brings great opportunities for sharing and enhancing collaboration.

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T�by Lan Mailing List

This is the tLAN mailing list, it will send updates and information about next planned LAN. Members only.

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Ms Pennington's Technology Tips and Science Teaching List

This list was created by Ms Pennington. Ms Pennington is a science teacher with 15 years of teaching experience. She uses an interactive whiteboard, net based lessons, blogs, wikis,, web2.0, and other technologies to enhance instruction. This list will be used to discuss technologies to enhance the instruction of all subjects and all grade levels.

ListRank: 6ListRank: 6

PalBoLat - Paleobotanica Latinoamericana

PalBoLat pretende ser una herramienta de comunicaci�n y un foro de discusi�n para gente que trabaja en paleobot�nica en Am�rica Latina. Esta lista est� dirigida a estudiantes (licenciatura/pregrado y postgrado), a cient�ficos establecidos y a cualquiera en camino a serlo. PalBoLat es para todo aquel interesado en estudiar y entender la biodiversidad a trav�s del registro f�sil, la relaci�n entre la historia de la Tierra y la historia de la vida, la evoluci�n y la Tierra antigua. Para todos aquellos que comparten un inter�s com�n: el pasado biol�gico y geol�gico de la regi�n latinoamericana. PalBoLat surgi� a ra�z del IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Bot�nica en Santo Domingo, Rep�blica Dominicana. Ah� falt� la presencia de la paleobot�nica significativamente. PalBoLat es un experimento, un primer paso para unir a la comunidad de paleobot�nicos en Latinoam�rica y quien sabe?! tal vez un paso hacia una Sociedad Latinoamericana de Paleobot�nica! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PalBoLat is intended to be a communication tool and a discussion forum for people working on Latin American paleobotany. It is targeted to established scientists, students (graduate and undergraduate) and anyone in between. PalBoLat is for the one interested in studying and understanding the biodiversity through the fossil record, the relationship between earth history and life history, evolution and the ancient Earth. For all of those who share a common interest: the biological and geological past of the Latin American region. PalBoLat was born after IX Latin American Botanical Congress in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. There, the presence of paleobotany was significatively lacking. PalBoLat is an experiment, a first step to unite the paleobotanical community in Latin America and who knows?! maybe a step towards a Latin American Paleobotanical Society!

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Newsletter der Volkssternwarte Darmstadt e.V.

Newsletter for members and friends of Darmstadt/GER public star observatory (NPO). Topics include news in the fields of astronomy and spaceflight as well as administrative infos. Annoucements will be in German language.

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Maryland Section - American Chemical Society

The Maryland American Chemical Society is a non-profit organization of professional chemists from industry, academia, and government dedicated to the education and promotion of chemistry in Maryland ( The MD ACS is a subgroup of the National American Chemical Society (

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Homerville Produce Auction discussion list

This is an moderated discussion and announcement list. The purpose is to discuss the agricultural technology of growing produce and to distribute announcements and market reports.

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CACHE is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1969 to promote cooperation among universities, industry and government in the development and distribution of computer-related educational aids for the chemical engineering profession.

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Software Livre

Dedicated to the discussion of free software in Brazil, motivated by a seminar "Informatics Applied to the Sciences" to be presented at the Rio de Janeiro State University, by a small group of students, but possibly anyone else interested.

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Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex

Our purpose is to keep Friends members informed about events happening within the Montezuma Wetlands Complex.

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This is a discussion list for any and all matters relating to Census, the project management application for NONMEM.

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Fledermausinfo Niedersachen

Moin moin. Mailing-Verteiler zum Austausch von Informationen zum Thema Fledermaeuse in Niedersachen und auch darueber hinaus. Platform for bat-workers in lower saxony, Germany

ListRank: 6ListRank: 6


Research Software Engineers (RSEs) community at European Geophysical Union (EGU) Learn more about RSEs at EGU's General Assemblies here:

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