[procps] Re: newlib - drip, drip

  • From: Jim Warner <james.warner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: procps@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 13 May 2016 16:42:10 -0500

On 05/13/2016 07:16 AM, Craig Small wrote:

Made me think is there a way of somehow encoding this? Can't be done by
the program itself, its just an array of unions.

Hi Craig,

In addition to working on the <pids> API (nearly done), I've been toying with possible solutions to your 'type' dilemma.

The first step is to reduce the sheer number of types in pids.h. Now that we've proven it works, we have complete control over the proc_t used behind the scenes. So reducing the number of types and normalizing others shouldn't be a problem.

Rather than trying to encode types and offering an extractor (if even possible), there might be another way. What about a truly KISS approach like the following:


This would force users to think in advance about types. We could drop the 's' prefix on such suffixes to reduce the clutter. And that would follow the normal C approach. Then we could remove the type comments from the header since they'll be encoded in the identifier.

Is that something worth pursuing?


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